When I talk to artists who try to “make it” in the music business, I ask “what have you been doing so far?” 9 times out of 10, I get an answer that sounds something like this “I am coming out with a mixtape, demo, album, soon and I’m going to promote it online.”
Ok, that sounds great but what’s the plan? In order to be successful in any business you must understand how the business works and offer something that someone will want to buy.
Here are some questions that every artist needs to answers if they are serious amount making an impact:
Product: What are you offering? How is your music different from other artists? How will your music get produced?
Market: Who is your target market? A&R’s, fans? What are these markets looking for? And how will you offer them your product? By when?
Strategy: How are you going to market yourself and your music? Where are you going to market? What is the timing? Can you be contacted easily? Shows, videos, guest appearances, interviews in media (ezines, blogs, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers)?
These are just a few questions that need to be answered if you are serious about making an impact. If you want to make it in the music business you have to start thinking like a business man.
1 Artist 1 Beat